From An Awakened Eye

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Spring Cleaning your diet

I don't know about you but I struggle with the fast food of America. With J and I's schedule I don't always have time to cook.  Today my employer Novant sent out a news letter on Spring Cleaning your Diet check it out....

Spring is here and all across America people are starting spring cleaning
in their homes. Follow this link to ideas to spring clean your diet.

Got Soreness? Don’t Quit!

Delayed onset muscle soreness is common after exercise and usually
means your muscles are getting stronger. This is good news! Read on for
more encouraging news.

Exercise Haters Unite

We know good exercise is for us but still we procrastinate. Here’s help to
face a daily workout without dread. It’s worth a read.

Rethink Your Drink

When counting calories on any diet we always over look the calories in
our drinks. Read the article on how to reduce the number of
calories in our drinks.

April is Soyfood Month!
(be careful with soy, it has a lot of hormones! Especailly for men, it can cause a decrease in sperm count)

April is Soyfoods month! Soyfoods contain fiber, potassium, folic acid,
and iron. Soy is also a lean source of protein and soymilk is lactose-free.
For a list of soyfoods and information on the benefits of soy, click here:

Get cooking with Soy here

Don’t let Allergies get the better of you!

Visit the link below for your 4 day pollen forecast. Enter your zip code to
see if you are in the green, yellow or red zone today.

Asthma Alert

Spring can signal more triggers in the air that
can cause asthma symptoms. This short video
provides helpful tips on managing
your asthma.

Cancer Prevention and Control from the CDC

As a leader in nationwide efforts to ease the burden of cancer, CDC
works with national cancer organizations, state health agencies, and
other key groups to develop, implement, and promote effective
strategies for preventing and controlling cancer.
Get all the latest information you need from this website.

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Who is at risk and what are the warning signs of alcohol abuse?
Find links, articles and videos on this site for information on alcohol
April is also Stress Awareness Month

Take the stress test on this site to find out how
stressed you are. Then check out the “10 Tools
to Live Your Life Well”


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