From An Awakened Eye

Monday, December 6, 2010

Blogging tip... Secuurity!

Just incase your worried about someone creepy taking your personal pictures or anything from your blog, just copy and past this code and place in in your side bar as a HTML gadget, you don't even have to name it just put a . in the title bar.  It will prevent people from right clicking and taking your stuf!  I can't think of a more creepy thing than to see your family or baby's picture in a foreign magazine or internet site.  Happy and safe blogging!
Visit the Polka Dot Pig for the code.
sorry about that...
Let me know if it works for you!


  1. Great tip Jenny! I think someone stole the code from your post.

    Hope that you are doing well :) I love the picture and the new blog look. So sweet!!!

    Much Love and Many HUGS
