From An Awakened Eye

Friday, December 23, 2011

On the 21st day of December my true love gave to me...

A Double Date
Tonight was a planned night without the babies. Since last Thursday I have been super excited about it. I think Jen and I were so pumped we couldn't decide what to do with ourselves getting to eat a meal without puffs or someone clinging to our necks. Usually when we hang out it is pretty loud & I'm sure kinda hard for others to enjoy their meals. So this date night was highly needed.
I was expressing to Jen how hard it has been to juggle everything with working weekends now.  J and I are  the kinda couple that you know just fit. We can just be in the same room and know what one another is thinking. We aren't the kind to love all over each other in public. By this I mean you may have seen us hold hands in public or sit close together, but you probably have only seen us kiss on our wedding day. We are very private people when it comes to PDA. So onto the juggling... we knew it would be an adjustment and we knew we would have to work a little differently to keep it all together and flowing. So when Jen mentioned "hey let's get baby sitters" I was all in.
  So the plan was to have On the Boarder for dinner and black light mini golf for kicks and giggles.  Dinner was great and we talked so much we over stuffed ourselves and the waiter sounded like a tape recorder. He said the same thing to every table he serve. Which would have been fine if you could have understood him babbling it off 70 mph. We just laughed and tried to piece together what the heck the waiter just said only to conclude something about mentioning his name and 15%.
So we shrugged our shoulders and moved on. Jen mentioned that she was looking for a new bookshelf and she knows I'm a sucker for IKEA... so where did we end up?
Yep, IKEA! We walked off every, well I'd like to think it was every calorie we consumed. Then we gained it all back + some with the irresistible cinnamon roll and ice cream!  I was on sugar overload. It reminded me of when I lost my mind and went shopping alone in ikea 8 mo pregnant pushing a cart around larger than I could see around.   Then I regained all of my senses and grabbed a coke, cinnamon roll and an ice cream for no other than yours truly for the ride home!  What was I thinking, better yet poor Eli!
We had a great date and ended up picking up little bit kinda late. He fell asleep in the car and took a bottle and slept 9 hours.  He has been a pretty good sleeper these days. Giving me 10 and sometimes 12 hours at night!  Super happy momma over here!
Well, enough of my rambling I'm off to bed.
- Jen

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