From An Awakened Eye

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Placebo vs. Real Deal

Welcome to day 5 of the clomid bus!  So far we have dodged the hot flashes, swerved around the mountain of breast tenderness and avoided any adverse reactions to the oh so precious {clomid bus}.  J is shouting Hallelujah as we pull in for a pit stop around mid week around the 9th or 10th of June or so. I will keep you posted on the mapping of the journey for sure!  Starting to wonder if the Pharm. slipped me the placebo in stead of the real deal. ;) We will see on Monday at my u/s. 
  Looks like the weekend holds a lot for us too!  He fishes and I head to the sand!  It's a weekend apart and of course it will be bitter sweet. I am taking off to the beach for a much needed girls weekend and J is heading to the mountains for a guys fishing frenzy.  Should be a great weekend and we are both looking forward to a great time with friends.
  Speaking of friends... How many of you go to a church where you have friends that you share life with regularly?  We attend a large church where it is easy to slip in and out of and be virtually invisible for years {trust me I was great at it}. So when I was {Awakened} I realized we didn't have any friends at our church. It was our own fault for not involving ourselves in the lives of those around us.  Now don't get me wrong I am very cautious in who I open up to, but you know what I am getting at. It is crucial to involve yourselves in other Believers' lives; almost like being adopted into a family.  You need to walk through life together.
  I can honestly say that without the core group of friends, non-married ones too, I have no idea what spinning spiral I could have let myself go down in the past 6 months.  I have leaned on their prayers and encouraging words and {girls night outs} to pull me through. I don't want to paint the wrong picture for you here... I have an incredible, happy, and full life with many fun times and belly laughing moments.  It's just when you get down to the "nitty-gritty" dirt of life do you have those to call on when you {NEED} someone to pray {RIGHT} then for you or a situation? 
I encourage you to examine yourself and your life to see if you have these people in your life. If not look for ways to connect with other believers that may possibly be as accessible as the pew behind you on Sunday Mornings.  I am not talking about family ties here.  Families are awesome if they are functional that is ;) And they are great to have close by. But let's face it we can't spend every weekend or eye opened moment with them. So, I am thinking you are getting the point here...
Branch out
of your usual
{comfort zone}

You may find 
someone you 
really connect with 
just possibly 
they are going 
through the same thing
have been through 
the journey you are walking.
The good, bad, beautiful &
the ugly. 

So let me ask you...
Are you living the life of a Placebo and just going through the motions with no real effect on your life?
Or are you living the real deal with real people around you to share life with?

Trust me... I have "taken" both pills and the {real deal} is deffinately the way to go. 
I wouldn't want to live life any other way. 

I know this post is kinda long, but bear with me. I need your response on this one ...

This Thursday is the beginning of a new leadership for me.  I will be stepping in as the President of the women's ministry at UR Church. I am so excited!  Ideas have been flooding my head for months and the Lord has been pouring the Word into me for these ladies.  So many of them have come to me saying "I want to be a part of the Women's ministry, I have never felt like I could be apart."  Ultimately I see that as a plea of "hey I need girlfriends too!"  So being the youngest President my Pastor has appointed, I am stepping up to the pitchers' mound Thursday night at Fills.  I am not sure of the response to the pitch that will be thrown, but I will give it all that He has downloaded into me.  I have to it is my obligation to share the Word and ideas He has given me for this time and season.
  So in my new quest to help {busy} women connect I have found a few ways such as a blog of course used more like a web site.  The usual Women's retreat and so on, but I want to reach out to the women  who feels like she is all alone and left behind.  So that's why I need you to brain storm too! Maybe you have been that women and you know exactly what it took to get you to "wake up" or maybe you have seen something that has worked in your church.
I am going to post a linky where you can respond to this question. I have used these before and only one person responded, but this is different and a little more intense than java recipes ;)  So click on the {click here, your next} and let me know your thoughts on how to creatively connect women walking out the Christian faith every day.

Abundance is... a fun weekend planned with the girls for beach and shopping!  {No} side effects from clomid.. wha hoo! What more could a girl ask for? The number 3 is starting to scare me, just a tad, but I am open as long as it ends in abundance. Perfection.

1 comment:

  1. Yay for no Clomid side effects!! :)

    What you mentioned about friends really hit home to me. It's something I've been struggling with for a while. I've been praying for a friend that can relate to what I'm going through.. a friend that will pray and encourage me.. and someone that I can have a girls night with. I'm praying once we arrive in WA we will be able to find a church and a few good friends. We could really use it.. especially during this journey we're on!
